Untangling the Lines....

As a business grows, the lines of communication within become more complex.

This is known as “Brook’s Law” which was first observed in software management projects. It applies to communication and team size.

When there are two people working together there are 2 lines of communication. Add a third employee and now you added 50% people and 200% in complexity. Add a fourth employee (100% increase) and now you have six different lines of communication, 500% in complexity.

Additionally, adding more people to your organization is essentially slowing down in order to speed up.

It takes time for new hires to become productive. Brooks calls it “Ramp Up Time”. (this is where processes are a huge help) New employees need to be trained and factored into a system of accountability.

This takes up precious time and energy from existing employees and becomes complex if clear accountability and lines of communication is not established.

what is the solution?

Rooting out complexity by untangling the lines of communication.

By creating clear lines of accountability with defined roles for every seat.

Read here about 5 tips to building out your accountability chart

What is the difference between accountability and responsibility?

we will talk about that next time….

Learn more about me and the work I do here https://www.eosworldwide.com/rachel-lebowitz

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