"Healthy and Smart" Business Journal

Welcome to my “Healthy and Smart” Business Journal.

I am a writer at heart. It is how I convey, share and add to the world. For me, business is so much more than business. It's an opportunity to connect with people, to impact, to learn and be inspired.

When the pandemic hit, we were sure it would limit human interaction and connection. Instead, it has strengthened the need for meaningful connection and revolutionized the way we go about it.

Business interactions aren't mere monetary transactions anymore. They are a medium for expanding our social network and human interactions. Think about all of those working from home via zoom, how much more meaningful are the days with human interaction versus spending time doing tasks that don't involve social interactions.

Corporations and workplaces are changing the way they conduct business inside and out. They are taking more into consideration the human side of business and realizing the impact it has in everyday business life. C- Level executives have become more accessible and humanized. They aren't anymore just “People at the Top”. Linked In has afforded people ways to make connections that would never be possible before.

Truthfully, this “human side of business” revolution has been a long time coming. Leader’s like Gino Wickman, Patrick Lencioni, Jim Collins and Simon Sinek have spoken about the importance of humanizing the workplace way before the pandemic started. Now, it has reached a boiling point and become more “Normalized”.

Hence, I titled this the “Healthy and Smart” business journal. One of my earliest passions is learning the human side of business. I remember working at my parents’ school supplies store at a very young age and being intrigued by the various customers, the change in employees behaviors around “The Boss” and customers. I loved serving customers and learning about their life and career. Most of them were teachers. I will forever remember their kindness and patience while having a 14 year old serve them glue, pencils and cardboard.

I went on to obtain a BA in Business Behavioral Science.

Too many businesses spend the majority of their time becoming “Smart” automating processes, upgrading services and sophisticating the way they do business. Most businesses spend little to no time on becoming “Healthy”.

We spend the majority of our days working. I think it's fair to say the people we work with are the second closest relationship, first being family. Yet we spend very little time getting to know our colleagues, learning what motivates them, how they think and feel about us and working out those feelings for the greater good of the company. Every organization’s greatest asset is the people. We need to invest time and energy in understanding how people operate in order to have the most successful business.

Thank you for being here, reading and supporting this passion of mine.

Until next time.

Rachel May 18, 2022

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